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Breakfast Tortilla

Sometimes you come across people that are amazing. Julian and Heidi Zepeda are some of those people. Julian and Heidi set roots in Madison, Wisconsin after relocating from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. For Heidi, her home state was familiar, having grown up in Spring Green. For Julian, something was missing. “With fields upon, fields of beautiful corn in Wisconsin, why is no one making fresh corn tortillas?” This question resulted in Tortilleria Zepeda.

Tortilleria Zepeda provides locally sourced authentic Mexican tortillas. This is no small feat. Julian wanted to truly learn the craft and participated in an apprenticeship in Mexico City and Guadalajara with leading “tortilleros” in the country who taught him how to perfect  pre-hispanic nixamalization process to create the most authentic Mexican tortilla possible. And now you can find their products locally in Madison at all three Willy Street Coop locations. Tortilleria Zepeda tortillas will not disappoint and happen to be one of five ingredients for a most delicious breakfast tortilla.


Heat up the tortilla. Lay it flat on a plate. Plop an egg over easy on it. Top with avocado, salsa, and cheese.

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